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Harnessing the True Potential of Cloud Security
Cloud enables devices to access different databases, resources, software over the internet and outside local hardware restrictions. Cloud gives flexibility and operation scaling capabilities by offloading a portion of the organization’s infrastructure management. Cloud technology is a blessing if appropriately used otherwise as it also possesses several security threats.
Cloud Security is a technology that addresses and eliminates the potential external, internal threats to the business & organizations. As the digital transformation of technology is taking place across the globe, demand for robust cyber security, cloud-based tools, and services is surging.
Organizations & businesses are embracing cloud technology as this develops new possibilities and a higher level of security and richer productivity. The best thing about cloud-based services is that they can be accessed from anywhere in the world without any hassle.
Why Cloud Security is Essential
As in the modern-day business environment, organizations are rapidly moving to a Cloud-based atmosphere. As they migrate from traditional methods to new cloud systems, they understand how crucial it is to safeguard their data.
Third-party cloud service providers are reliable and trustworthy as well. They follow the highest-grade security practices and take all the essential steps to guard the integrity of their servers. Organizations must keep a close eye on protecting their data, applications, and workloads running on the cloud.
Various telecom service providers are switching to Cloud systems as cloud provides elevated speed and safety over traditional hardware-based servers. Cloud security provides firewall security in the industry of telecom services.
Telecom service providers also rely on the reliability of the server response time of cloud systems as there is no hardware backed up, so the response time of the servers is very high as compared to the traditional.
Challenges in Cloud Security
As the cloud offers so many advantages, it also comes with several challenges.
Compliance Issue
Enterprises using public or hybrid deployments can often get confused with regulatory compliance. Heavily relying on third parties to manage data protection, privacy, and security can cost huge amounts to enterprises.
Multitenancy of Cloud System
Public cloud service providers have multiple clients under their single umbrella, and possibilities are high that malicious cyber attackers could have compromised your data privacy.
Lack of Transparency
If you have hosted your cloud by third-party service providers, there are significant chances of data being accessed outside of corporate networks by third-party service providers.
Misconfiguration of Cloud System
According to a report published in 2019 misconfiguration accounted for approximately 86 percent of cloud computing breached records. Leaving default administrative passwords or not taking appropriate privacy settings of the cloud system is the reason for misconfigurations.
Types of Cloud Security Solutions
At present, some of the sound Cloud security solutions are available. The essential cloud security solutions are described below.
DLP (Data Loss Prevention)
DLP offers a set of services and tools like data encryption, the combination of remediation alerts, etc., to safeguard all private data. DLP ensures a high level of information security against data threats.
IAM (Identity and Access management)
IAM is used to create the digital identity of every individual user to track, monitor their activities, and restrict when it is necessary. IAM works as a network firewall, and it allows enterprises to deploy policy-driven protocols for all users willing to access cloud-based services. It restricts users if any malfunctions it observes.
Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity
Data breaches can occur even if organizations have taken preventive measures prior. Organizations or enterprises must react quickly to save themselves from this type of damage. Disaster recovery solutions provide all the essential tools and services to recover the lost data as early as possible and resume regular operations.
SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)
SIEM provides security analytics that automates any kind of threat detection, monitoring, and response in a Cloud-based system. It builds IT security strategies using AI-driven technologies. Allows IT teams to run their network security protocols successfully without compromising any potential threats.
Organizations are switching to Cloud-based security at a high pace as part of their digital transformation goals and meeting emerging advanced-security requirements. In contrast, a few businesses still prefer traditional security measures or aren’t ready for the big changes yet.
According to reports by CPR, overall attacks per week on corporate networks in 2021 were 50% higher than in 2020. On account of this, yesterday was the day to build your business’s security edge.
Cloud offers ease of access and more control over hardware-based security. AI-based technology helped cloud systems take a giant leap in the last few years. Cloud is the future, but just like other technologies, the cloud also has its pros & cons. However, choosing the right cloud security provider can enhance & ensure sound security for cloud-based services.