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Home / Case Study / Backup & Recovery-Data Protection For a US-Based Provider Of Enterprise Backup And Continuity Solutions

Backup & Recovery-Data Protection For a US-Based Provider Of Enterprise Backup And Continuity Solutions

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As the forefront global provider of comprehensive enterprise backup and continuity solutions, specializing in backup appliances and cloud data protection, the client is the leading All-in-One Mid-Market Enterprise and MSP Backup Provider based in the United States. ACL Digital partnered with the client to offer Backup & Recovery-Data Protection to enhance the client’s data protection strategy, ensuring the integrity and seamless recovery of critical data for their business operations.

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    Complex Cloud Environment

    Support monthly releases of the product by reducing QA regression time

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Reduce time on setup deployments and maintenance

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Performance benchmarking for each release

    Complex Cloud Environment

    QA services for the Backup appliance and Data protection software (on-premises & cloud)

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Golang-based framework to facilitate the transition of the product roadmap to Golang as the primary development platform


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