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Home / Case Study / Enhanced Endpoint Protection through Automated Testing for a Leading Antivirus Security Solutions Provider in the US

Enhanced Endpoint Protection through Automated Testing for a Leading Antivirus Security Solutions Provider in the US


Our customer is a leading provider of antivirus security solutions globally. They specialize in offering enterprise security solutions that ensure resource availability, business continuity, and uninterrupted digital experiences. With a vast clientele spanning industries, their primary focus lies in delivering robust endpoint protection against evolving cyber threats. Leveraging ACL Digital’s expertise, automation was strategically implemented in the client’s infrastructure, which not only enhanced their testing efficiency and product quality but also positioned them as a trusted leader in the realm of antivirus security solutions.

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    Complex Cloud Environment

    Lack of Security Experts possessing deep, hands-on knowledge in the security domain 

    Limited Security Expertise

    Existing security analysts lacked expertise in automated testing of security solutions


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Improved Security Posture
    Our experienced team with a proven track record ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
    We offer customized, comprehensive cybersecurity coverage, designed to meet your unique business needs.
    Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we continuously innovate and improve to stay ahead of emerging threats.
    With a focus on collaboration and results, we prioritize building solutions that work effectively for your organization.


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Improved Security Posture
    Our experienced team with a proven track record ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
    We offer customized, comprehensive cybersecurity coverage, designed to meet your unique business needs.
    Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we continuously innovate and improve to stay ahead of emerging threats.
    With a focus on collaboration and results, we prioritize building solutions that work effectively for your organization.


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

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